Yikes! The water is off at our apartment. When we drove into the complex at 2am we saw a spout of water shooting up from the ground, and I didn't think anything of it until we woke up with no water!
Yipee! We are lucky to have family in town who will let us use their shower, and in the meantime it's all about hand sanitizer and brushing teeth at work. Hopefully they'll get it fixed soon!
Yipee! We went the Rangers/Yankees game in Arlington yesterday!
Yikes! The Rangers, who have the best record in the American League right now and the most home runs, lost 11-1. It was more than a trouncing.
Yipee! Even though I'm not a fan of the Yankees, we got to see them play some really good baseball.
Yikes! Professional sporting events in Texas are crazy! I have been to dozens of Mariners games in Seattle, but even when the Mariners are doing really well and the game is sold out it is nothing like a game at Rangers Stadium in Arlington. First off, in Seattle about half the fans get dressed up for the game. In Texas, all the fans get dressed up for the game. Joe and Travis both knew to wear red, white, and blue (Rangers colors, of course), and I was wearing all white but at least I had my red Capezio bag. Secondly, during the national anthem three big military helicopters flew over the stadium. The cheering was like I've never heard before. People were jumping and screaming. I was completely caught off guard. Travis just turned to me and said "welcome to Texas." I'm glad I didn't have to see what the crowd is like when they're winning. We'll save that for next time.
Yipee! Six Flags was so fun! By the time we got back from the game and lunch, around 4, the park had thinned out a ton, and by 8 we could get on almost any ride in just a few minutes. So we went on a lot of rides. If Disneyland is like a Major League Baseball game in Seattle, Six Flags is the equivalent of the Texas game we went to. The rides are not cute and fun, they are crazy and exciting and a little bit terrifying. My top picks for a little terrifying/mostly fun are Tony Hawk's Big Spin and Judge Roy Scream. In the a little fun/mostly terrifying category are the Texas Giant and Titan.
Let me tell you about Texas giant: at one time it was the world's tallest wooden roller coaster, and to this day it is rated the world's best wooden roller coaster. It is huge, like everything in Texas, and the bumpiest ride I have ever experienced (though Travis said it was worse because we were sitting in the very back car and I didn't fill out the restraint very well so I was getting throw around a lot). I was very glad to get back on solid ground afterward, and very glad to stay on the ground while Joe and Travis rode it again that night.

Yikes! About halfway through the awesome day at Six Flags, I started losing my vision on the rides. It would go gray on any big drop or loop, and then take 10 or 20 seconds to come back. Apparently this is common; wikipedia tells me that "The Titan has been known for causing blackouts in the carousel turn." But it did scare Travis a little bit, and it reminded me that I need to find a doctor here and get a check-up.
Here's a video I found online of Titan. This was taken from the first row; we were sitting in the second:
That is a good video. I was sitting there getting all scared as you're going up the hill in the first part. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
So blackouts are common. We need not worry?
Yeah, there seem to be a lot of people on forums, etc., asking about their roller coaster "gray-outs," as they're called, and people tend to say it's not a reason for worry. I lose my vision all the time when I stand or sit up fast, so assume it's the same thing.
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