Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I am terrible at making decisions. Freshman year of college I had a sign on my desk that said "make a decision; it will be okay." When it's time to make a decision I try to remember that no matter the outcome I can probably handle it (or, okay, I might be a mess, but God can handle it), so I should just pick one and get over with the agony of deciding.
What really helps me make choices, though, is asking for advice and input from my family and friends. My mom has spent years encouraging me to make choices without consulting her first, or at least to feel free to abandon her advice if I must ask for it. That's hard to do, since my mom is really wise and wonderful, and has great advice.
And now, a decision: should I audition for So You Think You Can Dance? Season 5 just started, but Fox has just announced that, instead of waiting another year, they are going to have another round of auditions this summer and air season 6 this fall. There is an audition in Salt Lake (there's one in Phoenix, which is closer, but I'll be in Washington for Phil and Katie's wedding) that both Danielle and I are available for, and we've both thought and joked a lot about going in the past. What if we just did it? I'm pretty sure I'm nowhere near good enough, and I don't have any big tricks, but it would be such a fun experience. And Danielle is good enough. For reals.
My argument against going is primarily financial, but also rests on the fear that I will make a fool of myself on national television and no one will hire me to teach their students dance ever again. Actually that's the #1 reason I wouldn't go. And I loooove to teach. But I've seen people audition who are totally delusional, and probably shouldn't be teaching, and I doubt myself all the time when it comes to that. If there was a show called "So You Think You Can Choreograph," I would feel more confident about auditioning. My boss Wakelyn's point, which I think is valid, is that by going for it I would be an example for my students, helping them to have the courage to get out there and audition. Of course I wouldn't tell my students that I was going until I got back (and maybe not even then if it didn't go well).


hlw said...

Do it.

If you made it, we'd have watch parties here in Austin.

BTW, you are one of the most consistent and dedicated bloggers that I've ever...read.

Jeannie said...

Yeah, I'm pretty addicted to blogging. Also, I decided I'd have more fun at those viewing parties than I would hundreds of miles away from my husband, friends, work, and church. So no reality tv dreams for me right now :)

Ms. Sibbett said...

Well, I am in one of those unusual I-have-all-(or-most-of-(or-many-of-the-relevant))-facts positions in this case, since I have both known you since you were a fetus, and I live with your parents and am privy to their perspectives. And although your parents have launched convincing arguments at you, apparently, I vote YES on auditioning for SYTYCD.

Travis can come with you. The whole youth group can come with you. Surely the church can raise the money for the youth ministry to spend a few months in L.A. or wherever. You just have to find a good spin. Dance = Grace, something like that.

Or, you know, whatever you want to do I support. But I think you are good enough. Do they take people who aren't allowed to jump up and down all day, though?

And I LOVE that sign you had reading "Make a Decision It'll Be Okay." I still tell people about it.

Unknown said...

big problem is that you are in fact good enough to probably go quite far. big question is that if you went far would you be comfortable being away from austin/travis that long? as you see on the show it is grueling, unfortunately you are probably tough enough for that too, at least physically...could you be tough enough to do it emotionally, because that is where some people melt down...and those shows love to watch people melt down...its good for business to have the drama. if you should fear anything i really believe it could be that you might make it too far down the line....thats great and terrible....bummer. what does travis say? having watched the show the few times i have they pair georgeous women with incredible beautiful men, and hope sparks and electricity fly. if i were the husband of the beautiful girl, i'm not sure it wouldn't be hard sometimes. these are a couple of back and forth perspectives and i know that God will provide peace with your decision.