Saturday, May 23, 2009


It happens every week. I'm doing great, working, going to rehearsals, and spending time with Travis, and then Saturday morning comes and boom: I hit a wall. On Saturdays, I get up at 7:30ish to go teach dance to the little bitties (3-6yrs) for four hours, then I dash to Capezio and work for 6 more hours until close. It's a marathon day, and it's not made any easier by the fact that I'm teaching classes that are half tap, and I don't tap. Also, have you ever tried to get 11 3-year-olds to all do the same thing at once, while their parents are watching you from a window? Also, I'm required to get up early on my husband's day off, when he is sleeping in, and put on tights, a leotard, and a ballet skirt, when all I want to do is put on sweats and crawl back in bed.
It actually starts Friday night: I get bad headaches, I get weepy, I'll feel nauseated or have a sore throat or both. I honestly think that my mind dreads Saturday mornings so much that it tries to make me sick. I often get up on Saturday wondering what it would take to find a sub at such short notice. Would any of the other teachers even be awake yet? Then of course I realize that I'm not really sick, and that people who are not really sick have to go to work.
I just calculated it out: there are 4 more Saturdays (including today) until recital, and then I will be done teaching for the summer. I requested to not teach Saturdays in the fall, so really there are just 4 more weeks that I have to do this, ever. Of course, once I'm not teaching Saturday mornings I'll have to work all day at Capezio on Saturdays, but I can't even express how relaxing the store is compared to teaching, even on busy crazy Saturdays.
Four more weeks. Four more weeks. Four more weeks.
Time to go put on my leotard and tights!

1 comment:

Ms. Sibbett said...

Jeannie you are tough. Way to hang in there. I feel like if I were you, I would be thinking seriously of resorting to doing something duplicitous, such as lying and saying I have mono. Which in your case, you theoretically could.

Like, if you say "I don't think I should do this job anymore. I might have mono," you wouldn't be strictly lying. Both of those things are true.