Wednesday, September 22, 2010

music video extravaganza

WARNING: This post is going to contain lots of links to YouTube music videos.  In other words, my dad is going to love it.
When it comes to music videos, OK Go can do no wrong.  Fun.  Choreography.  High concept.  High concept, fun choreography!  This is what I'm all about, people.  I wish you could see my "little girls with push brooms as tired, bluesy workers" dance.  I wish I could see it too, actually, since I taught it in Texas and then moved to Washington two days later.
Ok, it's go time (see what I did there?!):
  • I smiled and laughed straight through this one tonight (and missed Sasquatch like crazy)

They are (almost) all rescue dogs, which makes it even more awesome!
And now a few favorites from the past.  I had hoped to embed these, but embedding has been disabled on most of them, so I am linking instead.  But if you have some extra time and want to be massively entertained, you should click at least one link.  I recommend the second one, if you have to choose.
  • The video that started it all, "A Million Ways"
  • My second favorite (to the puppies, seen above) also has embedding disabled.  But it features treadmills!  I wish I came up with this.  Every choreographer wishes they did.  Or at least I imagine they do.
  • They actually made two videos for the next song, "This Too Shall Pass," but I prefer the Rube Goldberg version to the marching band version (which is still pretty great, and you actually can embed, so here goes)

Also, I'm in Montana.  I have had a great week, but I can't wait to go home and see my little family tomorrow!  Maybe Travis and I will get Sasquatch to do some tricks while we play hipster music in the background.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Waking up pain free (or nearly pain free) after a really terrible migraine is one of my favorite feelings in the whole world.  Excuse me if I'm being simple and talking about things I don't really understand, but to me it is like being released from prison.  I always know the pain will be over eventually, but never when, and it can start to feel like forever.  I had maybe the worst migraine of my life a month ago, and was in awe of the sheer length of it.  How was it that I was able to be in so much pain for so long without passing out like people do in movies?  Every minute I thought "this is the worst it can possibly get," and then it of course did get worse, and this lasted for hours (7, maybe).  Finally I found myself waking up, which meant that I had fallen asleep.  Falling asleep is always the goal with a really bad migraine.  I have never just gradually lifted out of a migraine without falling asleep.  But falling asleep doesn't always mean it's gone. 
It's usually a pretty big improvement, though, and last month I woke up feeling like I could fly.  I was so grateful I cried, and laughed, and whispered "thank you" out loud a dozen times in the dark.  The thing about this whole falling-asleep recovery method is that it commands thankfulness.  I know I'm being rescued, because the cure happens while I'm unconscious.  And it happens that way every single time.  This morning I woke up from a bad migraine (but soooo different from last month's big bad), and I imagined that, while I slept, I had been carried (in a white dress, nonetheless; I can't help if my post-pain musings are cheesy) into freedom.  I felt so happy I could dance around the room, and that was saying a lot since Travis' terrible alarm had woken me up after only 4 hours of sleep. 
I know that God does not cause my migraines.  There are a lot of things about the nature of God I may not understand, but I have a pretty good idea about how he rolls when it comes to people in pain.  I also know that it is in my character to feel impatient about things, but God has used all these rescues to make me into a person who is just really grateful.  It's hard not to be grateful when you get rescued all the time. 

p.s. Sasquatch is grateful, too, for her huge birthday treat. She has been working on that thing all night, and of course has no interest in her breakfast now. Happy birthday Sasquatch!  

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The move

Bullet points!
  • Tomorrow we move into our very own rental house.  I really hope it's as great as I remembered, especially since Travis hasn't seen the inside.  Ever.  I am very used to trusting him to make big decisions for us, but I am scared of being the one that makes the big decisions without him.  If he dislikes it, we're stuck there for a year.  I am 92% sure, however, that it will still be great when we get there.  
  • Moving into our ow house means we will move out of Katie and Phil's.  I can't even express how grateful we are for their generosity in hosting us this past month (actually more like 6 weeks for me), and how much fun we've had!  There is a lot to be said for having someone to share the cooking and dish duties with, not to mention built-in friends.  Sasquatch has become very attached.  Good thing we're only moving down the street!
  • My dad is coming (and bringing our niece Angelina!) to help us move.  He is also bringing one of his beautiful picnic tables.  I am stoked!  We have never had a place for a picnic table before, or a yard, or a fireplace.  
  • I hope the previous owners leave their firewood for us . . .
  • Also need a lawn mower.
  • Being a grown-up is a lot of work!