Sunday, May 24, 2009

More Bullet Points

  • Tonight Travis helped with the 6:30 service at church. He did the call to worship, opening prayer, confession prayer, and assurance of pardon. It was really cool!
  • After church we went to Rudy's with Trey, Joe, Chet (who I just met), and our friend Devin, who just got back from Whitworth for the summer! I am so excited that she's back. We already have plans to watch So You Think You Can Dance, and to go to the premiere of Harry Potter. Rudy's was good, but I have decided that the extra moist brisket (read: extra fat) is too moist (fatty) for me. Or at least it is when you buy and eat it by the pound. But the conversation was good!
  • Tomorrow is a full day off for both Travis and I, which I can't remember happening in months. We are going to get some use out of our Six Flags season passes and go to Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington. Joe is coming too (and another friend if we can find one in time)! The park is right across from the Rangers' stadium, and they're playing a 1:05 game against the Yankees tomorrow, so we're going to cross the street before the game and see if there are any good deals out front. I feel like you're not really supposed to buy tickets from scalpers, but there are no cheap seats available online, so it's worth seeing if anyone has any extra tickets.
  • The tap steps I am working on this week (recital is in less than a month, and the teacher tap dance is still about 10 notches above my skill level) are the Shirley Temple and part of the Shim Sham Shimmy. I filmed Adele doing the Shim Sham at rehearsal today and watched it over and over while I was waiting for church to start. I was definitely tapping in my seat during the service.

1 comment:

hlw said...

WOW! Today sounds like a blast! Glad that you two have a day off at the same time!