Friday, May 22, 2009

Dinner with friends!

This evening Travis and Joe swung by my work to ask if I could meet them for dinner at Trudy's after I closed the store. Then they told me that two of our friends from Whitworth would be there! It was great to see Julie (now living in Seattle), who I've known since freshman year, and Kaitlyn (now living in Houston), a very close longtime friend of Travis. They are so sweet, and it was nice to talk to people who missed Whitworth. Since Kaitlyn and Julie both work in youth ministry (Julie's at University Pres in Seattle!), and Joe has been a youth ministry volunteer for 9 years, the four of them had a lot to talk about. Meanwhile, I got a phone call from an unknown number. I meant to ignore it, since we were out at dinner, but I accidentally answered. I was so glad I did: it was my best friend Amy calling from Australia! She's studying toward her PhD in Philosophy at the University in Melbourne, and I miss her like crazy. All in all, it was a great night of reconnecting with friends. And my burrito was delicious:) I am addicted to burritos (minus the cheese, sauce, and sour cream, naturally) since I moved to Texas.

From left: Travis, Joe (doesn't he look handsome bald?), Kaitlyn, and Julie. We went to Trudy's, which is really busy on Friday nights. They have a great patio where you can sit outside, though. It has fans and trees, and it's fenced in so you can't tell you're right by the freeway!
Sometimes Joe does this.
Lovely ladies.
Travis is very serious about Dr. Pepper. On the way back from New Mexico this morning he took a detour to Dublin, the home of Dr. Pepper, to buy a case of the original pure sugar Dr. Pepper. And then he ordered a Dr. Pepper at dinner!
We love you!


Ms. Sibbett said...

Weens, that's a great picture of you and Travis there at the end, but I just noticed how young you look. I know this is something that gets talked about a lot, but I don't usually really *experience* your younglookingness. Boy do you look young.

mom said...

What, no picture of the car?

hlw said...

LOVE catching up with old friends! Glad that y'all had a great night!

Jeannie said...

Wees: If you can't say anything nice . . .
Mom: Oh I meant to get a picture of the car but I forgot until it was dark out. I'll try again today or tomorrow.
Heather: Me too!