Thursday, April 23, 2009


I have been thinking a lot lately about what a Christian should look like to an outside observer. It actually all started with blogs. A friend from junior high/high school has a blog with her husband, and the person who writes those posts seems so different from the girl I knew in school. Granted, it's been a long time, and people naturally change and mature, but it really seems like my old friend has been transformed. There isn't one event or situation in which she doesn't connect her experience back to God, thanking him, asking for guidance, or considering His will for her marriage. She refers to dinner with friends as "holy," as a communal worship experience. Judging from her blog, a non-Christian observer might call her a little strange. Part of me wants to take comfort in that, to reassure myself that living that extreme would alienate people and hurt my chance of being able to share Christ with them. But the Holy Spirit in me is telling me that's ridiculous. Jesus of the New Testament was an extreme guy. His followers were extreme. They didn't try to fit in, or make anyone comfortable. Travis and I were talking about this the other night, and I realized that I have been taking the easy route. Right now, my Christian witness consists of the parts of Christianity that come easily to me: I pray that friends will see God give me peace in difficult situations, and notice the joy He has given me. But what about all the things that come less naturally, like giving to the poor, tithing, blessing those who persecute me (i.e. not ranting and gossiping when I'm upset with someone), and sharing God's word boldly with others? My mom would probably remind me at this point that I can't transform myself on my own, but that God desires to abide in me, to live through me, and thereby transform my life (though she would probably word it differently). I am lucky to have such a smart mom. (Note: My smart mom introduced me to the abiding life ministries website, which is a great resource for articles and little devotionals about exchanging your life for Christ's)

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