Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mountains in my living room

This post is about to sound intentionally comical, but I assure you I'm being sincere: The hardest thing about being married is the laundry.
If you have ever lived with me, you know I have a special relationship with laundry. I for some reason feel that I must fold my clothes very very nicely, hence it takes forever, hence I wait and wait to fold it while it piles up around me. But when I do fold my laundry, I feel really super good about myself, like the way most people feel if they've gone for a run. (Sidenote: I would not feel really super good about myself if I actually went for a run.) Having all my laundry folded makes me feel healthy and organized and self-actualized, and I love love love curling up in a chair formerly inhabited by a large mound of laundry, congratulating myself on a chair well cleaned-up, and taking a nap in which I dream about drawers full of perfectly folded shirts (organized by color).
Which brings me to the problem of marraige, vis-a-vis, laundry: I can't keep up. As you likely know, Travis is one of those people who feels good about himself if he's gone for a run, to the point that he goes out in the heat and sweats through a fresh change of clothes almost every day. Plus, he is bigger and his clothes are bigger and they make little piles of laundry into massive mountains of running socks and youth group t-shirts. And I already generate an intimidating amount of laundry on my own, what with the dance company and the teaching dance and the dancing around the apartment when it's 80 degrees inside (and 98 degrees outside today). I'd post pictures of the laundry mountains, but I'm actually too embarrassed. Our home is a mess! But I am home early today (4pm) and have no rehearsal, so tonight is the night for folding. Wish me luck!
Also, to clarify my previous comment about laundry being the hardest part of marraige, I should say that it's been the hardest thing about marraige so far. I am not naive about the work that goes into keeping a marraige focused on Christ and capable of weathering life's big storms. But I remember from my pre-Travis days that, in the midst of all the people that told me how hard marraige would be, I really appreciated the few married friends who were excited to tell me all the great things about spending your life with your best friend. When you're waiting (even impatiently) for marraige, I think it's nice to know that you're waiting for something great. I know there are differing (and very valid) opinions on the subject, but that's mine :)
But I do hate the laundry.

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