Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A cure?

I have to get ready for work, but I wanted to post quickly about something I have been hearing about lately: a possible cure for migraines. Surgeons, first in the UK and now in the US, have been removing the corrugator muscle (right above the eyebrows) in migraine patients, and have seen a drastic improvement in many patients. Apparently this muscle contracts during a migraine (And I believe it squeezes a nerve?) and makes the pain far worse. I was telling Travis yesterday, after I had taken my fast-acting migraine prescription, that I felt the pressure without the sharp, blinding pain, and we both remembered hearing about this corrugator muscle procedure. It sounds like maybe my medicine effectively does the same thing, though only about 75% of the time, and not completely. I am going to spend some time this afternoon reading through these frequently asked questions about the surgery.
A new friend from church also told me about a treatment she was given that almost eliminated her migraines, a prolonged pediatric dose of the seizure medicine Topomax. I couldn't believe there was something that actually worked for an actual person I knew! At any rate, Travis has convinced me lately that I should see if there is more I can do about my migraines. I have health insurance now (yay!!!!!!!!), so I'll be looking for a doctor soon, and then I'll see if they can refer me to a neurologist.
Aaa! Time to get dressed for work!

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