I really really miss blogging! There are so many stories that have slipped away forever because I didn't write them down. It makes me really sad to think about it, actually.
I do remember:
- Danielle's (Happy birthday Danielle!) birthday party last night at the Spaghetti Warehouse downtown. The Spaghetti Warehouse is like the Texas version of Spaghetti Factory (one of my 3 favorite restaurants, along with Red Robin and Tomato Street). The food was delicious, but (sorry, Texas) it's a little less classy than Spaghetti Factory. There were plastic checkered tablecloths, and several items on the menu included something called "beer chili." "Spaghetti with Beer Chili?" Really, Texas? I may have smuggled a small loaf of sourdough bread home in my purse. In my defense, once it's on the table they have to throw it away, and that bread was too good to get thrown away.
- Last time I made cookies I made so many batches at once that I broke my little electric mixer. I think that counts as my official initiation into the world of bakers, since my mom bakes a lot of cookies and seems to break a mixer every year :) Too bad I forgot that the mixer was broken today until I had already put the ingredients all together in a bowl. There was no turning back, so I forged on and made a batch of chocolate chip cookies by hand. I do not recommend it, though my right arm is feeling very buff right now. Also, I have a cookie jar! Someone at church was giving away some big glass jars, the kind that balance on their sides at an angle, and Travis brought them home for me! The biggest one looks very nice full of cookies.
- My new (to me) music discovery of the month is Owl City. I'm in love! My favorite song is "Fireflies." I also recommend going to Pandora.com and making a radio station of music similar to "Owl City." It's my favorite pandora station ever!
- We are going to a Mariners game! I have seen the Mariners play at least once every season for as long as I can remember. And I was so worried that I would miss them this year. But then . . . Travis got us tickets to see them play the Rangers in Arlington (three hours north, between Dallas and Fort Worth) next Sunday! Obviously Travis is more excited about the Rangers, but I am still resolved to call it the Mariners game. I-CHI-RO!
- Another reason that I haven't been blogging much is that I have renewed my commitment to making friends here in Austin. Travis has a way of seeing things that I don't let myself see, and he let me know (very gently) that I was in danger of becoming the kind of person that turns down invitations so often, they no longer get invited. I knew immediately that he was right. I sometimes talk about needing female friends here so that I won't drive Travis crazy telling him everything about everything, but I get so busy with headaches and dancing and work and church that I hadn't really allowed myself to get to know anyone well (other than my co-workers). And Travis (again, gently) pointed out to me that there have been many opportunities and invitations. So these past few weeks I have spent time going to movies, lunch, and coffee with friends, and it has been a breath of fresh air. On my coffee date with Tiffany at Mozarts, we even got to see turtles!
This little family was swimming in the water right by the deck where we were sitting! The baby was probably 8 inches or so, just about the size of my old friend Dmitri (my college roommate Bethany's tortoise ). We saw many more turtles, but Dmitri Remix and his mom were my favorites.
- A few days after our coffee date, we had Tiffany and her husband Andrew (Travis' friend and co-worker at the church- Tiffany and Andrew both volunteer with the youth at Covenant too) over for dinner. Tiffany and Andrew each brought over a dessert- amazing ice cream sandwiches made with chocolate chip cookies, and homebacked blueberry pie. So. Good. And we played Boggle- Travis and I had never played before. I am addicted. I had a ridiculous streak of beginner's luck, though, so we'll see it any of them ever let me play again!
- Next week I will begin two weeks of teaching the dance intensive at Austin Dance Company. I can't wait to get back in the studio and see my students again (especially since I get to teach with Adele, my friend from Borealis!), though I am feeling very aware that this means my summer-of-just-one-job is almost over. The dance intensive will be every weekday from 1-4 for two weeks, and on the Saturday in between Adele and I will teach the choreography intensive, which means we will teach the dance team their competition dances for the year. I am really excited to be choreographing for competition-- it's an honor-- but also nervous. My experience with competitions has been mixed. I've seen some of the coolest, most creative dances of my life at competitions and in videos of competition pieces (including my mom's favorite dance, the lizard tap dance we saw when I was 17. This girl was wearing a full body lizard suit, including tail. That takes commitment). But competitions have a terrible rep in the "serious" dance community for being all about glitz and tricks, and taking the artistry and history out of dance. It's certainly true that you'll find very few studios with a competition team that focus heavily on classical ballet. My hope is to create dances (lyrical jazz for 6-year-olds, afro-brazilian jazz for 12-year-olds, and another as-yet-unspecified piece) that are creative and compelling without losing focus on good technique and sincerity.
- Our Borealis shows last week went really well- we were able to fundraise several hundred dollars, and also make more connections in the dance community. My least favorite part of the day was the migraine that made balance and concentration difficult (I am so thankful for my medicine, though- can you imagine me trying to dance with a migraine in high school, mom?). My favorite part of the day made up for it, though; our whole Austin family came to see me dance! This was the first show I've invited them to, since it was just our company performing, and the studio where we had the show was only a few minutes from their house. They were really supportive and encouraging, and I was very excited to be able to share this big part of my life with them.
- We are really enjoying getting to know the new youth director, William, and his family. They are from Orange County, and seem to miss the freedom of summer on the West Coast (breezes and bearable temperatures) as much as I do. Here are Joe and William in front of the beautiful display board Travis made. When I asked them to pretend they were talking about youth ministry, the first few pictures showed Joe pretending to throttle a teenager, then both of them laughing hysterically. After they composed themselves, we got this (very posed) shot.
So good to read about your life again! It would be wonderful if the migraine pills made a big difference long term. It seems like the medication is improving every year. Here is my advise about the mixer. If you are going to buy and use handhelds (which I do in order to save counter or cupboard space)it's a good idea to keep the box it comes in and staple the receipt to the box so you can find it easily. Then if it expires before the 1 year warranty does the store will give you a new one.
That IS good advice! I have a Target gift card from a few of my students, so I'm going to use it tomorrow to buy a new mixer and a yoga mat. I just found out that there is Christ-centered yoga at church! I'm going to try it out Wednesday morning. Do you have a yoga mat?
I have a nearly new yoga mat. I wish you were here so I could hand it to you. It turns out my shoulders don't like yoga.
I'm sorry your shoulders don't like yoga. I'm not sure my joints will like yoga, but I am resolving to take the stretching part easy and not show off. I probably won't be very good at the balance part, which is the point of going- I have decided I need to get more stable so I don't get injured dancing. I bought a light blue yoga mat today.
When we got our yoga mats originally, they were very slippery. I had to take them out on the deck and scrub them with dish soap and our car-washing brushes.
YOU NEVER PLAYED BOGGLE BEFORE?! I feel like a deadbeat sister. Next time you come, we will play Boggle. If we have to randomly generate our own series of 16 letters and write them on a piece of paper for every single round, we will do it. Guerilla Boggle. (Soon to be repackaged and sold as Bananarama Supreme, no doubt).
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