Monday, July 27, 2009


Someday, I would like to make dances inspired by:
  • elaborate secret handshakes
  • the way toddlers squirm around when they are trying to fall asleep
  • different peoples' handwriting
  • clocks that get ahead or behind over time
  • remote control buttons (play, pause, fast forward, change channels, etc.)
  • raindrops, and the way they react with all sorts of different surfaces
  • sports (tennis or baseball would be especially fun)
  • calculus
  • colors


mom said...

Calculus? If anyone could do it, I bet you could. Which reminds me, I sewed the last piece on your quilt top at midnight on Sunday. I think you might see the dancers.

Jeannie said...

I already do! We also rearranged our whole bedroom so there is a nice big spot for it on the wall, should it look better hanging. We've also discussed (Travis' idea) putting it in the living room where his Whitworth blanket now hangs. And we also have to consider it on the bed. Any thoughts? Wherever it ends up, our apartment is going to look so beautiful!

mom said...

I don't know about the living room. It might be distractingly bright and it's possibly hypnotic. It's hard not to stare at it. If it was my quilt I would fold it up and put it at the foot of the bed on top of a dark blue bedspread so it can be seen in moderation. It could be used as an extra blanket on cold Texas nights.

Jeannie said...

I am not intimidated by bright and possibly hypnotic. Bring it on.

Ms. Sibbett said...

MY idea is, you hang it up in the living room across from that big mirror so your whole living room is like a bright rainbow funhouse! You will not be able to invite epileptics over to tea, but nobody likes epileptics anyway....

These are wonderful dance ideas, Weens. I am proud you are my sister. I can't wait to see them.