Thursday, July 30, 2009

Criminally negligent

I often describe myself as spacey or unobservant, but sometimes that doesn't seem to cover it. Because sometimes, I do things that make Travis wide-eyed with shock and terror. Like leave the oven on all night (last night). Or run a stop sign because I don't realize it's there. Or run a red light because I don't realize it's there.
I'm not sure what to do about this. My instinct is to apologize profusely, then laugh about it later. But I feel like there should be some sort of program I can enroll myself in, like "12 steps to admitting that you are totally unaware of your surroundings and getting your act together."
At least I'm really good at balancing things on my head


mom said...

It is really scary to be dangerously spacey. I once left a broiler on all day and the wooden cupboard next to the oven was charred and had to be replaced. I could have burned Letha Baker's house down. The thought of making serious mistakes while driving scares me even more because of how hard it would be to live with the knowledge that someone died because of my mistake. It can all happen so fast. I sometimes need to pray for alertness when I drive. Maybe that's the program you're looking for.

Jeannie said...

That's a good idea, mom. I think that is the program I'm looking for. Also, I have some news for you.