Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New look!

I wanted to make my blog more colorful. So I did! Travis might be able to figure something out that I like more, but for now it will be all fence-y like this.
Speaking of new looks, I have a fear: I have always thought of dance costumes, especially those worn at dance studio recitals and competitions, as by-and-large tacky and terrible. I could never figure out how my totally hip, talented, well-dressed dance teachers could select such awful costumes for us to wear (including, but not limited to: the poofy tube top, the zipper pleather biker outfit, and the pepto bismol pink ball gown). But lately I have spent so much time around dance studios and dance costumes that the line between tacky and awesome has started to blur. For example, I have been looking at costumes for a competition piece I'm choreographing soon for 5th & 6th graders. It's helpful to know what the costumes will look like ahead of time so you can choreograph accordingly (read: not a lot of floor work if they're wearing skirts, etc.) But I can't tell if this costume is terrible, or really cute:
My instinct is that, if I can't tell, it's probably terrible. But don't worry too much; I can still tell that this one is awful:


Ms. Sibbett said...

Oh no! I like costume B better than costume A! My taste must be extra-terrible. I must have the taste of an ICE SKATER.

Oh, snap! Right in the feelings! Take that, ice skaters!

Jessica said...

Costume A is definitely better than Costume B, however the choreography for Costume A better be really really good!

Jeannie said...

Oh the choreography is SURE to be good.
Just kidding. I'm not sure. But I hope! It will be very afro-brazilian and energetic.
Also, Lisa: you really like Costume B? Really?
You DO have the taste of an ice-skater.

Ms. Sibbett said...

Mom and I were just talking some more about costumes A and B. Mom said in costume A, it looks like the girl's head is fake. Then I tried to tell her about the ghost story about the girl who always wore the yellow ribbon around her neck and mom was like "LA LA LA LA LA I HATE GHOST STORIES DON'T TELL ME!" with her fingers in her ears. But then when I told her the yellow ribbon had been holding her head on for her whole life, mom laughed.