Friday, July 31, 2009

More sharing

I've pretty much given up on watching So You Think You Can Dance as a whole. The lighting is ridiculous and over-the-top, the judges scream and cry and mush and gush instead of giving actual constructive feedback, and the short format for each dance prevents any sort of build or stillness.
All that said, I still totally watch the dances the next day on Because the dancers are gooood, and I can learn a lot from watching them. And sometimes the choreography is original and awesome, or at least fun. Case in point:

Also, here's one of my favorites. With very few exceptions, it's best when all the elements are simple.

1 comment:

Ms. Sibbett said...

Awesome! Those first guys are great how they seem to be falling and then they are so so coordinated. And the second dance, I can see some serious Jeannie in there.

Did you see how on my Rorschach test I saw dancers in two out of ten?