Monday, June 1, 2009

Adventures with Travis

Don't get too excited: Travis is not writing this blog entry. He has told me that maybe, possibly, someday he will blog, but we all know how Travis is a man of mystery who won't sing for months and then BAM! sings and dances in front of hundreds of people, so I'm not saying it won't happen. But he did take some pictures, which I will post later when I'm not up in the middle of the night (can't sleep? try blogging!).
Travis is traveling a lot this summer:
  • Last weekend Travis flew to Santa Fe, NM to pick up our beloved baby semi truck (Jetta TDI), then drove all the way back.
  • This weekend Travis drove to Louisiana to go camping at South Toledo Bend State Park with his good friends from college Jake and Kaitlyn. Jake lives in Mississippi, so they picked a park where they could meet halfway, and Travis picked Kaitlyn up along the way in Houston. Turns out they picked a really good park! They went on runs and swims, watched the beautiful sunset, made campfires and roasted smores, and explored the lake in a really tippy canoe. Sounds like a wonderful trip! We both wished I could be there, but I am really needed at work Thursday-Saturday (Travis's days off), especially Saturday morning when I teach my youngest students. Plus, we had rehearsal every night this week to prepare for our show. But next time we will plan the trip really far in advance so I can ask off from work :) I am really glad that Travis got to spend some time with his good friends though!
  • This coming weekend Travis is flying to Spokane (Home of so many good friends! I am jealous!), then driving to Montana to be in his good friend Paul's wedding. Paul is marrying Kaitlyn (different Kaitlyn), who is gorgeous inside and out and sure to be the world's most stunning bride. The wedding sounds like it will be a lot of fun too; the invitation promises "ice cream and merriment" at the reception. My kind of party! This will be Travis' first time as a groomsman, but surely not his last. Many of my best friends have already gotten married, but Travis' friends are just getting started!
  • The weekend after he gets back from Montana, Travis is driving out to Dublin, TX to run a 10k. Dublin is the home of Dr. Pepper, and the only place where you can get Dublin Dr. Pepper, which is made with pure cane sugar. Travis would probably describe this as the nectar of the gods, were he prone to flowery language. He's not (prone to flowery language), but he is prone to taking detours on his way home from New Mexico just to buy several cases of it!
  • Less than a week after that, Travis will be riding on a bus with 40 middle schoolers to summer camp in Colorado for a week! It promises to be a ton of fun for the kids, and a ton of fun and work for the adults. I'm sure Travis will come home exhausted and ready to rest, but . . .
  • The next day we fly to Seattle to SEE MY FAMILY (!!!!!!) and also to see our friends Phil and Katie get married! This is a very special trip, since it's the only one so far I get to tag along on, and did I mention WE GET TO SEE MY FAMILY? Also, Katie was a good friend of mine all through college (we lived in the same dorm, same hall, and even had a bible study with two of our best friends, Kara and Bethany), and Phil was one of Travis' roommates for 3 years (or maybe 2? Can't quite remember, but regardless they are great friends). AND: the diaspora that is my best friends from college will be there, including Kara, coming in from Arizona, Bethany and Kevin, coming from California, and Amy, flying all the way from Australia! Many of Travis' best friends and roommates will be there too!
  • Then, the day after we get back from Washington, we may be making the trek to Nashville, TN, for a family reunion. Travis hasn't been to this family reunion in years and years, and I haven't been in this family before, so if it's possible we would really love to see it happen!
Whew! And all of that happens by the 4th of July! Travis is a very busy guy, always going on trips, just like my Dad and Barak Obama.

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