Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sugar Ballerinas

When we Huskissons get busy, this blog gets a little neglected. And right now, we are all about the busy! Travis is on a whirlwind trip to Montana to be in his friend Paul's wedding, and I am trying to bake and decorate a hundred or so cookies in between working extra hours to fill in for my boss, who had to go out of town unexpectedly. Let me just say this: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
It will be very nice to have a little break in July, when the dance studio is closed and Travis will be home for more than 5 days at a time.
But expect to hear a lot from me just as soon as these cookies are done!
Update: my new leaping ballerina cookie cutter is the hardest cookie cutter to work with, ever. I loved those little leaping legs until I had to punch them out of cookie dough a hundred times! I also just burned 8 perfectly shaped cookie dancers. Not a good night in my baking career.


dad said...

you can send me the burnt ones. i've been diggin them out of the garbage can for 31 years and i'd adore getting a little box of burnt wonders.

Jeannie said...

Dad: no. These are not "slightly golden brown" cookies we're talking about here. They are "accidentally left in for twenty minutes instead of 7, almost black and crumbling." Otherwise, I would have eaten them myself :)

Ms. Sibbett said...

What you need to do, little sister, is put that baking paper stuff down underneath the dough. Then you peel away what's not the ballerina and move the whole paper around. That's what Martha Stewart would do. Of course, that leaves you still to wriggle the cutter off the dancer, but can you not hold the dancer down with a Q-tip or something?

Or maybe you've already thought of all this. Maybe I am failing to see the nuances of the dancer / cutter dynamic. I wouldn't put such a failure past me, as I've always been more of a back-seat baker.