Tuesday, June 2, 2009


For the last several months, a plan has been in the works at Capezio. My friend and assistant manager, Danielle, wanted to pursue more teaching hours, so a switch was proposed; on August 1st, I would move up to 40 hrs/week, and she would move to 30 hrs/week. Since then, our boss has been training me on assistant manager duties, and I have been shuffling around my other jobs to get ready (including ending my job at the J teaching acting).
At the time this plan was proposed, I was swamped: I was working around 50 hours at three different jobs, and felt like I was always driving between jobs and making lesson plans. There was no end in sight, since the summer was going to be a zoo of working 8 weeks of camps at the J and dance studio in addition to my 30 hrs/week at Capezio. I decided, after some prayer and lots of talks with Travis, to accept the promotion. I loved teaching, but I was tired, and knew I couldn't keep up this pace forever. I stopped working at the J, which meant I would only be doing two weeks of camps this summer, and teaching three days a week instead of five.
In the last few weeks, however, I started to get nervous about my decision. If my career goals were to be a dance teacher, why would I take more hours at Capezio (and, as a result, teach only 4-5 classes in the fall instead of my current 12)? Being assistant manager at Capezio would mean more financial security, less total work hours, and less work-related stress, but it would also mean a step back in terms of my long-term goals.
So I continued to pray about it, and God has answered me loud and clear. I could tell the last several days that Danielle was getting nervous about the switch as well. She would be taking a serious pay cut, and had decided not to teach some of the dance classes offered to her. Sunday evening, at dinner after our show, she and Travis and I all talked, and we decided not to switch. Throughout the process, our boss has been incredibly understanding and flexible.
So now I'm looking for more teaching hours in the fall, and for ways to save money here and there. Even if I'm not teaching quite as much as I have been this spring, I know God will provide exactly what we need. And maybe what I need now is less money and more time with my husband!

1 comment:

Ms. Sibbett said...

Good wisdom, Weens. I'm really glad you were able to make a decision that feels right. It makes sense to me, too, even though you will have to be working more hours for less money.

And I'm so glad you have such a supportive husband! I like that dude, have I mentioned that?