Friday, July 16, 2010


Who: Travis, Sasquatch, me
What: Moving
When: I'll be driving up (road trip with my mom! Here's hoping we don't both get heat stroke in my AC-free car) the first week of August. Travis and Sasquatch will follow soon afterward at an as-yet-to-be-determined date. '
Where: Spokane, WA. It feels like so long since we've lived there, maybe because we got married and it's hard to imagine not being married to Travis. But really it's only been 2 years. We are still hunting for a place to start out, most likely an apartment somewhere north-ish.
WHY?! This is the best part, ya'll: I got a job at Whitworth (where we went to school). An amazing dream job working with a really cool group of people, doing something I'm really excited about, at my favorite place on earth. And Travis is coming along for the ride because he is the best, most supportive husband (prayers for him to find an awesome job would be greatly appreciated). I'll be working in the Admissions department, which means lots of travel, new experiences, and a start to what will hopefully be a career in higher ed. I am beyond stoked and grateful and really ready to start. Not ready to leave Austin, but ready to start. Sasquatch is ready for the snow. Here we come!

1 comment:

mom said...

I was going to prepare myself for the trip by driving around all month without air conditioning, but so far we've only had 2 or 3 days when we got up in the high 80's. I haven't even needed the AC. The news showed a bright red US weather map last night - with one little yellow spot in the NW corner. I'm surprised it's not more crowded here!