Monday, July 19, 2010

Did that just happen?

Have you ever had a cluster headache? This is what it feels like: you're sitting on the couch, eating lunch (because your dining table is covered with stuff), or you're driving home from work, or you're pulling a pair of tap shoes to try on a little girl. And then it feels like you're being stabbed in the eye, and you can't breathe. You don't take any medicine, because you know that in less than a minute it'll be over (in my case). And then it is. It fades away just gradually enough that you wonder if maybe it wasn't really that bad, and start to question your ability to accurately judge pain.
Repeat 2-5 times.
I prefer cluster headaches to migraines because they are much shorter and don't affect your vision, but they really make me feel like I'm losing it sometimes. I only started getting cluster headaches about a year ago, so I think someday I'll be able to have them without wondering if I'm really having them, or if it's all in my head (which it IS, in a way. Confusing).
Also confusing (and awesome). My friend Devin's dog Indy plays dead when Devin says Avada Kedavra. How did that dog get so smart? Sasquatch is my sweet darling, but I don't think she'll ever be able to do that. Travis thinks that instead we should teach her to backflip when she hears the SportsCenter theme music.

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