Monday, August 2, 2010

Another installment of

Here we go:

Yipee!  I am done teaching.  Done choreographing.  Done at the studio, and done with everything job-related in Austin.  Two of the four dances went very well, and the other two were, let's be honest, a bit of a mess.  I really try to choreograph dances that will challenge the dancers even in the spring, when they will be performing them at competitions and in recital.  But teaching a dance that is, by design, too hard now, all in two hours, can be a disaster for the poor dancers.  You should have seen their poor glazed-over expressions.  Still, this falls into the Yipee category because they are taught and done, and another teacher will be able to figure out which parts are too hard and tone them down. 

Yikes!  Travis went to his family's house to change my transmission fluid, and I stayed behind because my head was hurting again.  It's been off and on.  Yesterday was pretty bad, and it reminded me of all those teaching days from this past year when I would get a migraine right as I started teaching, then have to deal with the music and wrangle the students and keep a smile on my face for the next 5 hours.  I really do think that the music is part of what triggers it, or at least doesn't help once it starts. 

Yipee!  This is a little yipee because I will not be teaching in Spokane, and even though I will miss it, it may be a change that my head needs.

Yikes! But yesterday, I did have to teach, and then was head-achy through our family party, Danielle's birthday party, and our goodbye reception at church this morning

Yipee!  All of which were really wonderful!  To my surprise, I didn't full-on cry once, though there were moments it was close.  It was especially close this morning at church when some of our friends and students got up to share memories of Travis and me.  They even made a circle around us and prayed for us (and okay I guess I cried a little bit, but you would too).  I loved hearing students, staff, and parents express that they would miss Travis' big heart and passion for the kids.  Travis even gave an awesome little goodbye talk about how important the youth are in the church, how much God values them, and how much they can do if they are willing.  I am so lucky to be married to this guy, and already so eager to come back and visit.

Yikes!  Watched The Brothers Bloom instead of packing. 

Yipee!  It was good.

Goodnight from the Huskissons!

p.s. Sasquatch is a noisy dreamer.  She grunts and especially hiccups, and it is the sweetest thing in the world.

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