Sunday, August 15, 2010

Airplane dog

My new job is awesome.  Living in our Phil and Katie's basement is awesome.  Seeing good friends is awesome.  But being away from Travis and Sasquatch?  Not awesome.  We have been apart for 13 days (totally not counting), and it will be another 4 days until they arrive. Because you know what?  It takes a long time to drive from Austin to Spokane!  It took my mom and I four days with some extensive sightseeing stops on the third day.  But Travis is driving up in a 26-foot truck with a trailer on the back, so I think even without the sightseeing, they are going to take longer than we did.  I wonder if this would be faster . . .

I am trying not to have too much anxiety or guilt about Travis making the trip alone, since we are commanded not to worry, and if anyone on the planet can handle a crazy solo trip like this (plus dog) it's Travis.
And now, for a photo montage of the daring duo (in the exact order in which the pictures were taken):

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