Sunday, October 25, 2009


My parents are in town, so this will be quick, but it had to go up now.
Today we all went to my brother-in-law Stephen's high school choir concert. And by all, I mean 17 of us. Travis has a big family. The concert was called Cabaret, and it was a selection of songs from musicals. Each song was performed by some combination of McCallum's 5 choirs, though about half were solos. There were lots of beautiful numbers, especially the pieces from Big River. (Seriously, check it out.) About halfway through the show, Stephen had his first solo, Bring Him Home from Les Miserables. As the spotlight came up, a little old lady behind us commented (just a little too loudly) to her friend, "Now that's a tall drink of water."
Made my week.
I am going to tell that story to everyone, and it will never get old.
Needless to say, Travis and I spent the next 5 minutes trying really hard not to burst out in laughter. But we were still able to appreciate that Stephen totally rocked it, giving everyone chills and even hitting the really high note at the end. My brother-in-law is super talented.
And, apparently, easy on the eyes.

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