Things I Love
- Burn Notice. Seriously the best show on television. Michael, Fiona, and Sam are former spies, who use their spy skills to help people. They are so nice, and come up with awesome plans even though they don't have fancy gadgets or government support. If they were real people, I would want to have them as friends. Unfortunately, it's on hiatus until "this winter." Fortunately, that gives you time to catch up.

- The Bad Astronomy blog. This guy is a real astronomer, and he explains all sorts of real cool space and science stuff. There are lots of beautiful pictures, and I learn so much! I am trying to keep up with Travis, since he knows all about space.

- Pandora Radio. If you haven't tried it yet, go to right now and type in the name of your favorite song or artist. It makes you a radio station of music similar to that, then you can further customize it by telling it which songs you do and don't like. You can pause or skip songs, and make as many stations as you like. It's a great way to discover new music to choreograph to, and it's how I've found some of my favorite songs and artists.
- Teaching dance. My students never fail to entertain and intrigue me. And they work so hard. How many 6-year-olds do you know who will do an ab workout (of their own accord) while you step out to use the restroom?
The astronomy blog looks addicting. Are you going to look for meteors this week? I would like to, when the rain clears up. We should have clear enough skies by Friday night. But you live where the stars at night are big and bright so you should be able to see some sooner.
Though technically the stars here are big and bright, I can't see a single one here in the city. but I have already asked Travis to take me somewhere where we can really see the stars, so maybe that will coincide with meteors!
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