On Sunday we went to Richard and Daniel's family birthday party! Richard and Daniel are our brothers. They are twins. They are awesome. They are 8! It is fun to be in the kind of family where you can have twin brothers that are almost the same age as your twin nieces. The birthday boys (Daniel on the left, Richard on the right) with their new gloves. They are playing coach pitch, I think, this fall. Travis has already been giving lots of pointers. Have I told Travis' family calls him Bubba? It is one of the 10,000 adorable and wonderful things about this family, and about Travis. Crystal, Stephen, and I watched videos of the PS 22 chorus online. They are an elementary school choir from NYC, and they sing pop songs and classic rock. My favorite is their version of Don't Stop Believin'. Did I already share this? Well, here it is:
Okay and one more:
Now back to the party. Richard shows off their new scooter-skateboards. I am totally a fan, because they are wider than a scooter, with bigger wheels than a skateboard, and a handlebar. My kind of ride. Mad skillz! Several grown men and teenage boys spend a significant portion of time trying to hit a ball out of a tree. It was fun to watch, because they were so into it. And they succeeded! Did you know: Travis' brother Stephen can be seen (so I've heard) as an extra in the new movie Bandslam! He was also up for the part of Miley's love interest in the Hannah Montana movie. I think he's pretty great. And you should have seen Stephen and Travis at the party: Travis was in the front yard with a baseball glove, Stephen in the backyard with a tennis racket, and they were sending a tennis ball back and forth over the house. At one point is hit (and possibly broke) the neighbor's gutter. Jury is out on whether the gutter was already broken . . . Sometimes I think I look more like Travis' family than he does! Also, Crystal: did district 9 totally scare you? I bet you were fine. I'm a total wimp :) Baskin Robins ice cream cake! With a hot wheels launcher on it! This cake was awesome. Travis is too focused on cake to look at the camera. Getting stoked I wish I got better pictures of this. I have never done a very good job of capturing the "blowing out the candles moment" at birtyhday parties. I 50% blame how it's always a little dark, and 50% blame myself for getting way too into singing to be amply prepared. I try not to make this a blog full of just pictures of Travis, but you'll have to forgive me. I am a newlywed, and I just think he's so great! And now, a video:
Happy birthday Richard and Daniel! What are they, like my brother-in-law-in-laws? That's not right. Or, well, maybe it is, because if Travis was married to you (which he is) he would be my brother-in-law, and if I was married to Travis (which I'm not, because among a FEW other tiny not very important reasons, lord help the sister who comes between you and your man) then R & D would be my brothers-in-law, which I think makes them brothers-in-law times two. BILsquared.
Ohmigosh I love those singing kids. I was totally getting teary. Not even one single one of them was displaying any irreverence whatsover. They are apparently still slightly too young for the too cool stage.
Happy birthday Richard and Daniel! What are they, like my brother-in-law-in-laws? That's not right. Or, well, maybe it is, because if Travis was married to you (which he is) he would be my brother-in-law, and if I was married to Travis (which I'm not, because among a FEW other tiny not very important reasons, lord help the sister who comes between you and your man) then R & D would be my brothers-in-law, which I think makes them brothers-in-law times two. BILsquared.
Ohmigosh I love those singing kids. I was totally getting teary. Not even one single one of them was displaying any irreverence whatsover. They are apparently still slightly too young for the too cool stage.
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