We just got back from seeing District 9. It's a very high quality movie, sure to win lots of awards. It was original and thought provoking and will probably discussed in college lectures about apartheid for the next 10 years (it's set in South Africa, so you can't help making the connections, and they're pretty obvious). The actors apparently improvised all the dialogue, and it felt natural and real.
That said, I don't recommend it unless you are way more tough than I am. You probably are, actually. I was surprised to find that I was the only person in the packed theater who was curled up next to the person next to them with their head buried in their neighbor's shoulder for half the movie (maybe more). I know I have always had a soft, sensitive heart, but how did everyone else get so tough? Travis earned 1000 wonderful points by patiently allowing me to find shelter in his armpit, asking how I was doing, and letting me know when it was okay to look again.

Update: just read this awesome review of the movie, which said what I was trying to say, but way more eloquently than I ever could have. I recommend the review, whether or not you plan on seeing the film.
Are those dandelions?
At first I thought, "no those are too pretty to be dandelions," but upon further inspection I find that I am not sure. I guess if there are enough of them, and you can't smell them, they could be pretty.
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