It is officially too hot to sleep in Texas. In February, when it started getting hot (and I don't mean warm. Hot.) we gave up on our so-thick-and-luxurious-that-you-could-lay-under-it-real-flat-and-no-one-would-be-able-to-tell-you-were-there comforter and bought a wimpy thin one at Target. And about a month ago we gave up on that one and started sleeping under the thin brown soft blanket that is usually reserved for being cozy on the couch. Maybe tomorrow night I'll try just a sheet, a la the Dominican Republic (all there is on almost any bed you'll find is a set of sheets. I don't think I ever quite got used to it). And now I am about to give up on sleeping. Our AC is working overtime here on the 3rd floor, and it's really not fair to it (or our budget) to push it any further.
Travis seems to be sleeping just fine. He really likes to fall asleep to SportsCenter, so the last few nights I have just stayed up and let him, and then gone in afterward and turned the TV off. I have never in my life fallen asleep while watching TV. I was always the one at sleepovers who realized, halfway through the movie, that they were the only one still awake. Even when the move was really exciting, like
Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken*. That girl and her horse jumped off of platforms into pools, even after she was
*This movie was really shown at my 8th birthday party.

p.s. My world has just been rocked. Guess who starred in
Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken?
Gabrielle Anwar, star of the best show on television,
Burn Notice! Must netflix that move asap. The world is bigger and smaller and more beautiful than I thought.
YAAAAAAY Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken! That is a heck of a concept, isn't it? Jumping off a tall platform on horseback, even when you CAN'T SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING? If it was made up the movie could never have gotten made. I can just hear the producer now: "Are you KIDDING me? She goes off diving boards. On a horse."
Author: Yeah, and then I thought she could go blind and then KEEP DOING IT ANYWAY!
Producer: Get out of my office. Somebody get this clown out of my office.
So it is a really good thing Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken is based on an amazing true story. I think this might also be good source material for a choreography project. You wanted to do dances based on secret handshakes and calculus and raindrops on surfaces and colors. Add to the list: sightless horseback highdiving.
I also was always the last one to fall asleep. And this sucked extra because my friends would scary movies for their slumber parties. I had to watch almost all of Flowers in the Attic by myself at the age of like nine while Kelsey and Danaya and all those cool girls slept comfortably away...
I was also the last one to fall asleep...yeah, and all the cool girls could...well, who's cool now...? (we all know what comes after now)
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