The night before the game. Travis is wearing his "Los Rangers de Texas" shirt and washing his Rangers hat.

Even a flat tire will not deter us from seeing the Mariners! (Okay some of us were more interested in the Rangers)

Even the air pumps in Texas are red, white, and blue. And they don't just sing the National Anthem at the game, but also "God Bless America" and "Deep in the Heart of Texas."

Sitting in the sun for the first 30 min or so of the game. Once the shade (and a light breeze) reached us, it was a lot more pleasant. After the overpowering heat of the afternoon at Six Flags, 91 degrees felt just right.

We couldn't find me a Mariners shirt anywhere in Texas, though Travis made a valiant effort, going to I think every team store in Central Texas. Next time we're in Seattle I'm getting one, preferably with Ichiro on it.

My picture of the Mariners pitchers on their way to the bullpen with their pink backpack.

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This is the "my team just won" half smile.

The "I'm willing to rise above circumstances and have a good evening even though the Mariners were robbed" smile.
after i got done with my meeting with beth, i only heard the announcers talk about the strange ending to the mariner game...controversial...but what happened??? glad you rose above, and i guess good for travis so he didn't need expensive counseling if the rangers had lost. and i had never heard about the backpack tradition, but i think it's fantastic!!! and very cute.
love dad
I'm not sure what the controversy would have been about . . . the Rangers had a 2-run home run in the bottom of the 9th. It hit the foul line pole and bounced back into the field, but if it hits the pole it's in, right?
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