Sunday, October 17, 2010


Well, the word infestation might be hyperbole.  Infestation is when there are literally hundreds of crickets in your store, and you spend weeks taking them off the clothes and floor (and dodging when they fall from the ceiling) and throwing them outside.  True Capezio story. 
This is nothing like that.
However, we do have a problem.  There are yellow jackets in our house.  How many have we found?  At least a dozen, probably closer to twenty.  Four at once in the corner window.  And today, the first sting.  Through my clothes, in the kitchen.  Maybe he didn't want pasta for dinner? 
Yellow jackets are scary, because 1)their stings are super painful (even three hours later!), 2)they do not die when they sting, and 3) they like to crawl around on the floor, where unsuspecting puppies might lick them up.  Travis has been using yellow-jacket spray, and on Tuesday the management company is sending someone out to do a treatment on our house.  In the mean time, I am treading with caution.  Do you think yellow jackets prefer chicken for dinner?

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