Saturday, November 20, 2010

Post-travel expectations

Home at last. This week has been all about laundry, catching up in the office, and getting into a routine again with Travis and Sasquatch.  Oh, and the FIRST SNOW.  I am excited about snow like Travis was excited about the Rangers going to the World Series.  Our first snow did not last, but unlike Austin, Spokane will inevitably have snow that sticks, and lots of it.  I love when the world is all covered with white, clean and beautiful.  We're currently in that brief time of year when the ground is covered with pine needles, the trees are bare, and Spokane really needs the snow to look clean and beautiful.  So, snow, if you're listening, come again soon, and come to stay! 
We are also eagerly awaiting another arrival this week: my dear friend Chelsea and her husband David are expecting a baby on Thanksgiving!  I'm not sure why, but I got into the habit of praying for Chelsea and baby Jack-Jack during take-offs and landings this travel season, and now that I'm home that habit has just stuck.  Chelsea and David are going to be amazing parents; come meet them soon Baby Jackson!
Other things eagerly awaited:
  • Thanksgiving with our Indianola family next week.
  • An awesome job for my awesome husband
  • The last Harry Potter movie.  I know, I know, but part 1 ended RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the book.  Try as they might, The Deathly Hallows Part 1 does not work on as a stand-alone.  I am ready to see the second half!
Did I mention I'm not great at patience?
Speaking of two of those three things: mom and dad, is my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at your house?

1 comment:

mom said...

I don't see any Harry Potter books. If they were left here to gather dust Lisa might have rescued them.
I hope snow on the pass doesn't cause travel problems next week. I am really looking forward to seeing you.