Friday, October 8, 2010

Things to avoid in the future

A list:
1) Highway 242 through the Willamette National Forest and Mackenzie Pass.  1.5 hours of nausea and stress, with some beautiful moments but mostly roads so windy I couldn't look anywhere else.
2) Booking high school visits at 8 am.  High schoolers don't seem to enjoy being at school at this hour, and they sure don't want to schlep it over to the library and talk about 4 more years of school.
3) Booking high school visits at 2 pm.  See above.
4) Trying to get gas in Eugene, OR in a time crunch.  Make that anywhere in Oregon.  It is infuriating to me to not be able to pump my own gas, which I am capable of doing very quickly, and without waiting for the attendant to come outside/finish up with 4 other cars first.  I know I am a total insensitive jerk for saying this, and it offends my leftist politics, but sometimes catching a flight home feels more important than job creation.
5) Rushing through airport security before checking to see if there is food on the other side (vending machines do not count, since it is a huge hassle to purchase anything with cash/without a receipt when traveling on business), when you haven't eaten a meal since 6:30 am and your next stop is at 8 pm.

At least I like learning.

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