There are some great things about having business cards. They help people see that my name is not, in fact, "Teeny." (You have no idea . . .) They make me feel grown-up and professional. It is fun to hand things out. Business cards allow people to feel like they can ask me questions later, and don't have to figure out all their questions right away.
However, there is a big drawback to business cards. People have my email address. They use it. I am drowning in email, and not the spam kind you can immediately delete. Every day, I receive heaps of emails that need to be responded to thoughtfully, and often require fact-checking, database-checking, checking with our all-knowing front-desk manager, etc. Responding to these emails is enjoyable, and I learn a lot from all those various kinds of checking. But there are just not enough hours in the day.
I do love my job, though. I was thinking today about my favorite part, and I think it's actually the high school visits, as long as they have an acceptable number of students. Zero students is a little sad. 54 students who have just been handed their yearbook hall-of-fame ballot and are filling it out while I talk is scary, not to mention bad for my self-esteem. In-between seems to be good, and I especially love talking to a student one-on-one.
Okay, back to the emails. Chances are, if you're reading this, I miss you!
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