Travis recently journeyed up to Montana (by way of Washington) to be in Paul and Katelyn's wedding. Paul was Travis good friend, teammate, and roommate all through college. Travis had a blast seeing some of his best friends on the whirlwind trip, including a quick (3 hr!) drive down to see his old youth director from Covenant, Dan Cravy, in Missoula, and a morning at Glacier National Park with our friends Shannon, Jeff, and Karissa. You know how Travis gushes- he wouldn't stop talking about it! Okay, Travis doesn't gush, but I was able to pry out the fact that he had an awesome time. He even honored his promise and took pictures!

The guys at the bachelor party, at which Paul (to Travis' right) had to answer questions about Katelyn. When he got them wrong, he had to do dares- the tamest of which was feeding a dog a chip with his mouth. Thank you again to my amazing friends for not making me do anything like that before our wedding!

The lobby display Paul made for the wedding, complete with a video and live fish! This is such a cool idea (though I got a little choked up when Travis told me these fish were destined for the toilet. I would have saved them had I been there!)

I don't know how this happened, but I knew this picture was destined for the blog as soon as I saw it. From left: Jeff, Jake, Travis, Dave

Katelyn's dad, a pastor, officiated the ceremony. Look at Katelyn's beautiful dress! My dad would like all the orange, too.

During the reception- I was excited that Travis (or whoever he pawned off the camera on) caught a picture of Paul and Katelyn together, looking so happy!

At Glacier National Park with Shannon, Karissa, and Jeff!

I love it when Travis is silly!

Hee hee.

Travis got to drive through campus and see Whitworth's new dorm, East Hall. I miss you, Whitworth!
They FLUSHED the fish?!
I know. I don't even want to talk about it. It's possible Travis was lying to me, but he assures me he wasn't.
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