Gruene, TX (pronounced Green), being all awesome and Texas-y

Everywhere we went on Saturday, with the exception of the Ann Taylor outlet and our family's house (though I'm picturing it now . . . hee hee), was filled with bikers! They were exploring Texas, just like us, but wearing a lot more leather. Big props to them for not giving up on the leather, since it was well over 100 degrees.

Chaps! In the entrance to the antique store where we found Stephen's birthday present. I'm not sure what kind of chaps we're referring to here, but I prefer to imagine that this stained-glass window was devoted to the garment worn by cowboys/bikers.

So true, Hershey's. So true.

Old lead printing-press letters! If I were a furniture designer, I would design a glass-topped coffee table with these letters underneath. You know, minus the lead part.


Travis had to wear this hat, because it is very similar to the sombreros worn by the Three Amigos in his favorite movie. (He really does love The Three Amigos- last night when I forced Travis to discuss baby names for our future children, he suggested Lucky, Dusty, and Ned)

This book hearkens back to the days when book titles had exclamation points for emphasis. I love exclamation points!

Boots look best all lined up. However, one of these things is not like the others . . .

They pickle
everything in the south. You don't even want to know.

Or in my case, "I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here because I really love my husband."

Advertising was much simpler then.

This sign is so nonchalant. Like, "Rattlesnakes have been observed, but you're probably cool as long as you stay on this little strip of pavement." If I made this sign it would say "Rattlesnakes have been observed. Run for your life!"

At least Travis didn't buy this.

Way to show off the product, Travis! They would love this picture on America's Next Top Model, except for the fact that you're not connecting with the camera with your eyes.

After Gruene, we went to the Salt Lick for dinner! They do not joke around about meat in Texas.
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