As of 3:45 this afternoon, I am a two-job woman. I taught my last acting classes at the Jewish Community Center yesterday and today, and now I am done! I loved the kids and the families there (and especially my awesome boss!), but I will love having more time with Travis even more. From now until mid June I'll only be working 44ish hours a week, and then, after recital at Austin Dance Company, I will have only one job for the whole month of July! Fortunately, the summer isn't super busy for youth ministry at Covenant, so Travis will have time too. We are looking into fun excursions, possibly including going to Tennessee for a family reunion. A year ago, I never imagined that I would be going to Tennessee! It better be awesome. My expectations are very high.
This is what Tennessee looks like in my mind, and also on google search.
I have been to Kentucky! It does look like that, only less misty at midday. Probably Kentucky and Tennessee are exactly the same, right? Only to the minds of Kentuckyans and Tennesseeans, I bet one is the Canada or Mexico, and the other looks down on it. I wonder which is the status symbol and which the liability? Because Tennessee has Elvis and Kentucky has thoroughbreds.
Let me know what you find out.
Something about this picture reminds me of one of your senior project dances. Do you see the dancers? mom
Which picture? The gorilla one? Because that kind of reminds me of the childlike joy dance! But I definitely see the dancers when I look at Tennessee. They are in white dresses as the sun comes up.
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