I am about to give up on television. Well actually probably not (So You Think You Can Dance premieres May 21st!!!), but I am about to give up on any show that makes any mention, ever, of "destiny." Maybe the word is used too much, or maybe it doesn't quite mean enough to Christians who believe in an intricate balance of God's fore-knowledge and man's choice. Either way, I am over it. Whether it's Hiro on Heroes (the worst offender, probably), or Locke, Jack, and everyone else on LOST, the word destiny is thrown around to justify just about everything. And now LOST is resorting to building plot tension by having characters (for apparently no reason at all) tell other characters that something they are doing is not their destiny.
To me, it's a word that rings empty, and means just about nothing, like synergy.
To me, it's a word that rings empty, and means just about nothing, like synergy.
Also, all that time spend talking about destiny could be spent explaining why the statue only has four toes!!!

1 comment:
amen, i mean AAAAAAMEN! about both destiny and synergy. most people who abuse those words have no idea what they really mean. let me know when you discover the socioeconomic synergystic equilibrium of the invisible statue who got his leg cut off...i wonder where the foot went???
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