Sunday, April 29, 2012

Do you see the dancers?

A strange thing about me is that I see dancers when they are not there. I'm not certain this is abnormal, but I am certain that I didn't always see them, and that Travis has no idea what I'm talking about when we are listening to music and I start telling him what the dancers are doing. Here are some things I have realized:

  • I see the dancers from behind, like I am on stage with them
  • They are almost always on stage, and are kind of small
  • There is usually a pretty specific number of dancers, in a specific age group
  • Most beautiful/interesting music will prompt dancers. Sometimes there is no music. But if I am listening to music that is lame, that is a total dancer-block.
  • I never notice what the dancers are wearing, but I'm pretty sure they aren't naked. That would really weird me out.
  • It's best if I don't listen to music while driving because the dancers can be very distracting.
Sometimes people ask me if I have been doing anything with dance lately, and I know that I am supposed to say no, because I haven't been teaching or choreographing or taking class (other than Jazzercise). But I don't feel like I ever stopped dancing. I feel like dance is happening around me all the time. 

I have an actual choreography project coming up (a very large one), so we'll see if I'm delusional, or if the dancing in my head (and in my living room every evening, and around the office) will translate to something real. Let's do this, dancers.

p.s. If you want to check if you, too, see the dancers, I recommend this song. The dancers cannot sit still when they hear it.

p.p.s. I'm pretty sure the dancers arrived right around the time my parents started sacrificing huge amounts of money and time for me to take 2-4 hours of class a day, even though I was way too old to start dancing. Thanks mom and dad! Once again I am reminded of how lucky I am to be your daughter.

1 comment:

dad said...

i am absolutely certain the dancers arrived feb 14 1985. you brought an entire troupe with you and that gang never stopped dancing, even when it was sometimes only a little red headed soloist. some of us around these parts have enjoyed the show fairly non-stop for 27 years. i suspect there is something weird/genetic going on here, because i have had the music going on most of my life, and i can see the dancers too....only i am a little too self conscious to let it happen and start moving in public. aunt shirlee reports the same thing, and she is not shy about it, even when she was a teenager back in the 30s and 40s, which was somewhat controversial back then.
how blessed and lucky we are to be your parents.