However . . .
Yesterday I maybe proved myself wrong. It may have been a mistake to give blood. I felt great about it at the time, especially since I was checking something off my mental "things I've always wanted to try" list. I felt healthy, weighed plenty, and recently tested negative for anemia. I feel like someone who meets all of these qualifications and is not afraid of needles should give it a go. So I did. The experience was satisfying: doing good while sitting in a comfy chair, reading Time magazine! (Did you know that Weight Watchers has changed their point system so that fruits and vegetables are free now, and that Hilary Clinton joked that she should have a jacket that says "Apology Tour," since all she's been able to do since the whole wikileaks fiasco is travel the world apologizing to foreign governments? And that Glenn Beck says he is all for civility in public discourse?) Afterward they gave me juice and a Little Debbie cupcake, and I got to sit and chat with a sweet little lady named Pat, whose job it was to make sure I drank my juice and ate my cupcake without passing out. Then I walked across campus, feeling pretty good, did a little more work, and went home (Travis picked me up). At home, I feel a little nauseated, so I sat down for an hour or so. Then I got up to make dinner. Then I laid down on the floor, which I realize in retrospect was sort of fainting, and when I couldn't get up I called Travis. Well first I tried to get Sasquatch, who was licking my face, to go get Travis for me, but she seemed content right where she was. If I'd been completely with it at the time, I would have made a hilarious "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!" joke. Alas. Finally Travis heard me and came, and there was more falling and fainting before I blacked out completely. I woke up and Travis was touching my face. He had moved me so I was laying on my side, and I vaguely recognized that someone on the phone was telling him to do this. I also vaguely recognized that I was all the way across the house. It seemed like only a few seconds had passed since Travis first came upstairs, but turns out there was time for him to go bring the car around and call the fire department.
- Upside: the people from the fire department were really nice. From the floor, I could hear them telling Travis he was lucky I had an easy-to-remember birthday.
- Downside: my blood pressure was lower than I thought it was possible for blood pressure to be. Everyone made fun of me for trying to give blood.
- Upside: The people at urgent care were also really nice! From my wheelchair, I could hear them telling Travis I looked like a ghost. They gave me a blanket when the IV fluid made me all cold.
- Downside: These people also made fun of me for trying to give blood.
I'm relatively certain that my blood donor people take my blood pressure - or at least my pulse - before I give blood. I'm so sorry the blood donor people didn't take better care of you!
Jeannie, you are like my total favorite. I was home this weekend visiting mom and dad and grandma, and I kept being like "I wish Jeannie was here." True story. Call the zoo.
I like how, in your post about being a first-time donor, you have the parallelism of what you overheard from the floor, and then what you heard from the wheelchair. Also, the parallelism of people making fun of you for trying to give blood.
I, too, hereby make fun. HA! You tried to give blood? What are you, some kind of dummy?! HA!
On the other hand, I'm glad you seem to have come through it okay. I'm not crazy about stories where you're fainting on the floor and Travis is calling 911, to be honest with you. So, can we please not do that again? Hmmm?
Love you,
Oh my Jeannie-bug I'm so glad you are ok. I also made that mistake by going to a yoga class today-after not feeling well all day- a class that was a step up in skill level- just because I thought it would be good for me to be a little more challenged.. and yeah I nearly blacked out. I mean I could see blackness in my eyes and all the sounds were beginning to be muffled. I just laid down on my mat and waited for it to go away. It was a close one. Def shouldn't have gone on a day that I felt sickly. Anyway all to say that I feel ya and made the same type of mistake. I still love you. I'm glad you are alive!! MIss u.
I'm glad Travis was home to help you! It wasn't a mistake to give blood. It turns out you were in that small percentile of people who don't do well after giving blood. Now if you do it again and the same thing happens, that would be a mistake!
Jeannie! That's horrible what happened to you. It always happens to me, so don't feel bad. I always pass out after the doctor takes blood and even went I see my blood I pass out. (I'm fine with seeing other people's blood though.... Weird, huh).
However, I don't give blood. I just have to do it once in awhile when I get really sick. But both you and I gotta try to get through it because when you and Travis have kids they will have to be taking blood from you ever month and then week. (And when Stephen and I get married and have our 7 kids I'll have to get use to it).
I sure hope you feel better and it was really sweet what you tried to do. :)
Something I do when I accidentally cut myself and see my own blood, (which usually happens every time I shave), I get a wet cold rag and put it on my face.
The went in the first paragraph is suppose to be when. Sorry!
Jeannie, I just read your blog. I'm so sorry you had that terrible experience! You did a very good thing trying to give blood. Bless you. Here's my theory though, yes I'm grasping...the problem is the higher elevation there. I'm sure had you given blood here in warm sunny Texas you would not have had a problem. So maybe your body is telling you that you need to move back here. Then if you happen to pass out you will have a SLEW of kinfolk to huddle around you...and I'm sure none of them will slobber on you. So that's my theory and I'm sticking to it! Love you, miss you.
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