Travis is awesome at life!
Travis is fixing our pepper shaker. Wait. . . . make that Travis fixed our pepper shaker. Because that's how he rolls. If things are broken, he doesn't wait a few months or year to deal with it. He fixes them right away. You know how it's generally a moot point to say you're a procrastinator, because just about everybody is a procrastinator, so it doesn't really set you apart in any significant way? Well Travis is not a procrastinator. Weird, right? Danielle at work is the same way. Also my mom. And my friend Amy. Okay so maybe there are a lot of people who fix things and take care of things and generally keep up with life, but who ever thought that I would end up with one of those people? And here he is now . . .
fixing the pepper shaker!Also, aren't these irises pretty? They came from the family of two of my dance students, Bianca (5) and Savanna (3).
I didn't know they were irises, and I wanted to sound all flower smart, so I googled "purple flowers" and up came the coolest website! It may appear at first like any regular website with pictures of flowers, but if you scroll down all the way to the bottom you can click on any color (colour, actually, because it's a British site), and see all sorts of flowers in that color/colour. Then you click on the one you're looking for, and it tells you its name! Oh man, I am going to sound so flower smart now, because someone will give me a boquet of irises, for example, and I'll be able to look them up and say things like "thank you for the beautiful irises!" Genius. Mwah hah hah.
Nice website! I want some of those blue flowers in my garden. I was happy to see that when you click on a photo there is also a place where you can click "order". Only they want you to order the photos not the flowers.
Yeah I noticed that too. I bet someone could make good money off of a flower website for dummies. Because most of us don't know the names. We want to pick by color! Also, I am so impressed that you commented on my blog! You are very tech savvy. I love you!
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